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Life in Miramar - Left: Sane mind in a sane body; Center: candidates Sax and Zane initials; Right: Relaxing at the Gym |
All stations,
This is an ESSENTIAL SCM for all of you.
Please read it through CAREFULLY and comply to ALL its requirements.
I understand most of you have no naval training but I have been going out of my way and spending a lot of time on reports and memos, both in group notices and on our website so you can be up to speed. I am taking that to a new level with this note.
What you NEED to do when logging on:
1. Go to your NAS Miramar group window and look in the NOTICES tab, organize them BY DATE so you get the last ones ON TOP. Read your notices.
2. Go to your NAS Miramar website and check the last updates. If there are changes in the special sections - not visible on the normal post view - you will be notified in Group Notices AND via a post on the website to go check the changes out. READ all the Reports and Memos CAREFULLY.
3. Make sure you have your USN uniform on when coming to Miramar. If you have been assigned a GridTalkie set (GT) make sure you have it as part of the uniform you wear.
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE NAS MIRAMAR GROUP ON BEFORE YOU SUIT UP IN UNIFORM. If you do not you will break the GT link and it will auto-detach.
4. When you arrive at NAS Miramar for duty, hail the Station in the Group Chat AND on your GT channel 11 (( NASM operations channel )). That way you know who is online and on duty.
5. Talk to your fellow commissioned and enlisted officers, see if they know something you do not. Keep yourselves informed and help each other through any difficulties.
6. What you have been taught, from Navy procedures to item editing and adjusting, you pass along. It can take up to 2 full hours to guide someone who never edited a cube in SL through a ACU patch editing. Share your knowledge, what you know and what you have learned.
7. Don't know what a "Bounce" is? Don't know what a GT Channel is? Don't know what NAS means? First off: GOOGLE IT. Google is your friend it will answer all your questions if you are asking them right.
Want to know what a Bounce is type "bounce navy practice" in Google. You will find your answers if you ask the right questions.
8. Life at Miramar is that of Navy personnel in a Naval Air Station. You are to carry yourselves with respect for the US Navy institution we mirror, this is not some "Shoot'em Up" role play sim. This is a United States Navy role play sim and we are always in check. It's as real as it gets.
9. Salute your superior officers. Wait for their dismissal, stand at attention until told to stand at ease or as you were. NEVER salute a superior officer while sitting down, stand up and salute. USE the military HUD. USE the NAVY features in that HUD. Add the military HUD to all your uniforms EXCEPT the flight suits in FLY versions (( FLY outfits are outfits you SAVE AS over your regular versions and strip of any excess and all non essential HUDS when flying - you SAVE AS once you have taken those out and just add the word FLY to the outfit's name )).
10. Take your time to go through all the information already posted on this weblog and the info that will be posted here regularly. The weblog is your best source of information. KNOW IT WELL.
For the purpose of being informed, there is a place on the front page of the website where you can insert an email of your choice and submit it so you get all the updates in the mail. You will find it at the bottom of the right hand column, below the Blog Archive listing.
Subscribe to it.
More to follow, but for now, stick to these points and get them to be second nature to you. And be prepared to school the new arrivals on them.
You are here because you got tired of other places "always the same" action and "whatever" attitude.
This is the US NAVY SL and Miramar is its elite. You wish to be normal go somewhere else. We are exceptional.
CDR. Asra Kron
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