Special Sections

Friday, February 3, 2017

NAS Miramar Security Protocols

Security Protocols NASM

All stations,

These are the security protocols to be followed and used against anyone not willing to follow NASM rules, engaging on disruptive activities or not observing Navy procedures.

Prior Notes on Navy Personnel

A. For USNSL Third Fleet commissioned officers and enlisted personnel

A1 - If a Third Fleet officer is not wearing his group tag - THIRD FLEET or NASM - they are considered OFF DUTY even if in uniform - a USNSL tag is NOT an official tag recognized by Third Fleet as identification of an on duty officer.

A2 - The security protocols apply same as with everyone else and are applied according to the disruption level.

B. For USNSL recognized commissioned officers and enlisted personnel

B1 - Same A-1 rule applies but considering the groups they belong to. As there are many groups, look for a USNSL tag or a Navy related tag (example: SLMC). If they are not wearing any they are considered OFF DUTY.

B2 - Same as A2.


1. Disruption levels

1.1 Navy protocol breach
Navy protocol refers to any and all Military Conduct infraction.

In case a USNSL ON DUTY officer disrespects procedure make a note of the incident and report it in writing to your CO, including any pictures or transcripts.

1.2 Station protocol breach
Station protocol refers to local rules - applies to Navy Personnel and Civilian alike.


First Strike:
Warn the subject about the infraction and explain the correct procedure. Hand out the respective NAVY or GRID ATC note cards or links to these on NAS Miramar's weblog and also the NASM Map "NASM Runways ATC Guide ((DATE))" (make sure you have the last update of these reference materials). Report the incident in writing to NASM Command. No further action is required.

Second Strike:
Civilians and Navy personnel other than Third Fleet will be placed on a 60 seconds Fly By / Sail By status in the security system immediately and reported to NASM Command for further action. Depending on the infraction the subject will be placed on a 15 to 30 days region ban. (*) see notes
Third Fleet personnel will be placed immediately on a 60 secs Fly By / Sail By status in the security system, and the incident will be filed in a report to NASM Command for further action if needed. Disciplinary action will follow through Third Fleet channels.

Third Strike:
Civilians and Navy personnel other than Third Fleet will be placed on a 60 seconds Fly By / Sail by status in the security system immediately and reported to NASM Command for further action. The subject will be placed on the region permanent ban list. (*) see notes
Third Fleet personnel will be placed immediately on a 60 secs Fly By / Sail By status in the security system, and the incident will be filed in a report to NASM Command for further action. Disciplinary action will follow through Third Fleet channels.

(*) Notes
USNSL personnel outside Third Fleet may file a redress request with NASM Command after enforcement of these measures.

1.3 Region disruption - Griefing 
ANYONE caught griefing the region will be placed immediately on a 60 secs Fly By / Sail By status in the security system, and the incident will be filed in a report to NASM Command. ALSO and immediately the incident must be reported to a region manager - CDR. Asra Kron, MCPO Margot Fenring or any Surreal Estates manager - for immediate action (as soon as they are available).
The subject will be placed at once in a permanent region ban and reported to ALL USNSL for similar action to take place at other locations. In the Tuarua Fiji estate, a subject caught griefing one region is permanently banned from all other regions.
There is no redress given to a UNSNSL member who is caught griefing.

NAS Miramar officers with access to the Security System:

- CDR. Asra Kron
- LCDR. An Rainbow
- MCPO. Margot Fenring
- All ATC assigned officers (including NCO's) (**) see notes

(**) Notes: The abuse of this privilege will be dealt with swiftly and without mercy. Follow procedure. ATC officers will only act on emergencies if not on duty. They require a senior officer for further actions.

Final remark:
When in doubt - ASK FIRST.
No actions are to be taken without a clear notion of the infraction and these protocols.

CDR. Asra Kron

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