Special Sections

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Last 2016 Blue Angels VIP Rides - Ms. Shana Carpool

Ms. Shana Carpool receives her V.I.P Ride certificate from Angel 7 and the Boss, at N.A.S. Miramar, 12/31/2016.

For the longest time the Blue Angels wished to give their chief engineer and engine maker two things: the honorary title of Angel Zero, as a true member of the team, and the V.I.P Ride she of all the very important people in Second Life deserved.

Shana Carpool, owner and chief engineer of Carpool Aircraft, the manufacturer of the engines that power the Grumman Cougars F9F-8T and F9F-6, has been outstanding in her support of the team and effective response to all their engine and avionics needs. As an example, the F9F-8T (Carpool Aircraft stock designation TF-9J) the Naval Flight Demonstration Team flew during the 2016 Season went through three engine and avionics upgrades. Her commitment to her work and the great job she does with the Blue Angels are unparalleled.

On December the 31st, 2016, "Operation Cinderella" was launched. Objective: to provide the Blue Angels V.I.P. Ride to Ms. Shana Carpool before midnight SLT. The operation was accomplished. At 18:22 SLT, on the tarmac of Miramar, Angel Zero was aboard Blue Angels 7, with CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron. For this very special ride, the Boss, CDR. Vickster "Speed" Kuhn, Angel 1, would fly as lead Solo, providing Ms. Carpool with a unique V.I.P. Ride made of two Blue Angels jets flying a Solos routine.

[2016/12/31 18:22] :: ((Blue)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Angel 7: Comm check BLUE
[2016/12/31 18:22] :: {Blue} CDR Vickie "Speed" Kuhn NFDTCO (Vickster Kuhn): acknowledged
[2016/12/31 18:23] :: {Blue} Shana Carpool: helloooooooooooooooooooo
[2016/12/31 18:23] :: ((Blue)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Angel 7: haha Copy that Angel Zero

The rest is now part of history.

As usual, click on the photos to enlarge

Shana in her Angel Zero varsity jacket before the ride, with "Speed" and "Cougar".
Angels 1 and 7 hot and static at Miramar. "Ready to take off?" "Ready Boss!"
The Blue Angels, all of us, across team compositions in the year 2016, wish to dedicate the following song to Shana Carpool as it says all that our hearts hold for her. She is truly the wind beneath our wings and we fly high in the sky because she makes it possible for us to shine. Her strength is our glory, and our glory is hers. She is our hero. From all of us, a heartfelt thank you. Thank you, Shana.

CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron
Angel 7

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Last 2016 Blue Angels VIP Rides - RADM Harcassle

CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron ready for helmet on with RADM. Isaac "Izzy" Harcassle in #7, BuNo 131219, 12/29/2016.

There were two last rides the Blue Angels wished to give in 2016 to two very important people in their lives, and they managed to do so starting with RADM. Isaac Harcassle, who, accompanied by his wife, LCDR. Daniella Harcassle, NBNVCO, on the 29th of December joined the Blue Angels at N.A.S. Miramar for the V.I.P. ride aboard Angel 7. On that occasion, RADM. Harcassle inspected the new NFDT delta line up with the Grumman F9F-6 BA v1.0 Cougars, after which he took place on the "two-up" F9F-8T number 7 for the ride.

As usual, click on the photos to enlarge.

RADM. Isaac L. Harcassle, Third Fleet Commander, U.S.N.S.L. and the F9F-6.
From port side, Blue Angels 3, 8, 6 and 7 observe RADM. Harcassle's inspection.
From the Blue Angels, numbers 3, LT. Jenny "QB" Kaz, 6, LCDR. Elspeth "Torch" Westminster, 7, CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron, and 8, LCDR. An "Mistell" Rainbow were present. The new single seat Cougars received the seal of approval for service with the Navy Flight Demonstration Team and will continue the Blue Angels tradition of excellence in flight the "two-up" Cougars established.

RADM. Harcassle gears himself up before boarding #7.
Preflight starts. Angel 8 was in charge of GOPS and ATC in the tower.
The guests observe the warm up from building A's terrace with Angels 3 and 6.
CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron is Angel 7 alpha, Narrator and PR for the N.F.D.T., serving also as Slot and Opposing Solo alternate in the team, she is in charge of taking V.I.P.'s on these rides, and this one was a Hotel Sierra type of ride. LCDR. An "Mistell" Rainbow, Angel 8 alpha, Events Coordinator/Ground Ops Coordinator, serving also as alternate Right Wing, was in charge of ground operations and air traffic control for this flight over Miramar.
Angels 3 and 6, LT. Jenny "QB" Kaz and LCDR. Elspeth "Torch" Westminster, observed from the main building terrace with the guests (Shown in the photo above are LCDR.'s Dehner and Harcassle). "QB" held "No Balls" close, as usually, and yes, CDR. Kron did pet her before the flight.

Radio communications from preflight check to take off:

[2016/12/29 14:27] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Angel 7: Preflight complete
[2016/12/29 14:28] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Angel 7: BA ATC, Angel 7 static permission to taxi to 36 L and TO for VIP Ride with RADM Harcassle
[2016/12/29 14:28] :: {NASM} LCDR An "Mistell" Rainbow - Angel 6 (Anan Ariantho): Angel 7, NASM ATC clear to taxi to 36L. hold on short stop.

[2016/12/29 14:29] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Angel 7: Copy that ATC, taxi to 36 L and stop
[2016/12/29 14:29] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Angel 7: Angel 7 rolling

[2016/12/29 14:31] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Angel 7: ATC, 7 hot and static
[2016/12/29 14:32] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Angel 7: Permission to Take off
[2016/12/29 14:32] :: {NASM} LCDR An "Mistell" Rainbow - Angel 6 (Anan Ariantho): Angel 7, NASM ATC six sim pattern is clear, take off when ready over.
[2016/12/29 14:32] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Angel 7: Thank you ATC
[2016/12/29 14:32] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Angel 7: Angel 7 is changing it's Call Sign to FLEET ONE
[2016/12/29 14:33] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Angel 7: Fleet CO on board
[2016/12/29 14:33] :: {NASM} LCDR An "Mistell" Rainbow - Angel 6 (Anan Ariantho): FLEET ONE, NASM ATC roger.

[2016/12/29 14:33] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Angel 7: FLEET ONE taking off  (...)

"Full dirty" inverted pass over Miramar's 18/36 axis. "Cougar" and "Izzy".
RADM. Harcassle experienced some of the maneuvers performed by the Blue Angels Solos and Diamond such as the "Dirty Roll" on take off, the "Dirty Loop" and "High Speed Roll", the "Vertical Roll", the "Dirty Inverted Pass", the "Knife" and the "Section High Alpha Pass".
"Izzy" did A-OK and was able to deplane on his own when the F9 Cougar was secured by hangar A. No paper bags were required during the 23 minute ride.

[2016/12/29 14:56] Izzy Harcassle stands up super slowly and cool like Ben Affleck in Pearl Harbor.

RADM. "Izzy" Harcassle talks to the officers on deck by hangar A after the ride.
In the photo above, from port side:
CDR. Kron, RADM. Harcassle, LCDR. Harcassle and the Harcassle twins!, LCDR. Dehner,
LCDR. Westminster, LCDR. Rainbow and ENS. O'Mara 


The V.I.P. Ride was a success and the Blue Angels now can proudly say their High Commander flew like one of them. Hooyah. A few days later, during the New Year's Eve celebrations at N.S.T.C., the RADM was awarded his V.I.P. Ride certificate and a special gift from all the Angels: a Blue Angels guest helmet with two stars and the signed call signs of all the 2016 last composition team members on the visor guard.

RADM Isaac Harcassle receives the certificate and the signed guest helmet at NSTC from CDR. Kron, few minutes into 2017.
The guest helmet case and the team's 75 Years 2016 V.I.P. Ride certificate awarded.
Detail of the guest helmet case, similar to the ones NFDT aviators get on admission.
The Navy Flight Demonstration Team wishes Rear Admiral Isaac Harcassle all the best in the New Year and express the most sincere gratitude for all the support Third Fleet has given the team all through 2016.
Go "Izzy"! Go Navy!

CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron
Angel 7

Photos by CDR. Asra Kron and LCDR. An Rainbow

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Action Shot 17/16

photo by LCDR. An "Mistell" Rainbow

Saturday, December 24, 2016

2016 Miramar 3rd Fleet Christmas Run

Patron 4 Embraer E/D-120 AK-901, BuNo 16034, being loaded with gift dispensers at Miramar, 12/24/16

'Tis the Season...
As planned, the Patron 4 AK-901 was loaded and initiated the 2016 Miramar 3rd Fleet Christmas Run, covering all locations where 3rd Fleet has a foothold. Present as part of this entirely voluntary detail were LCDR. An "Mistell" Rainbow, LT. Jenny "QB" Kaz and CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron. Also along for the ride was ENS. Declan "Raven" O'Mara, who was a great addition considering the amount of folded dispensers we had to haul on the E/D-120. The configuration of some of the installations we were to drop by excluded the use of one of the N.A.S.M. VR-54 Hercules.
Here is the photographic record and report of the mission. 

Note: As usually, click on the images to see enlarged version.

                 Top: Busy N.A.S.M. East Apron on Christmas Eve. The folded dispensers fit in the AK-901 cargo area perfectly.                   Bottom: ENS O'Mara joins the detail just in time to haul dispensers. The crew good to go Ho-Ho-Ho.

First stop: N.R.S. Oryx, Corsica, just across the Aldabra Sea from Miramar. The Christmas gifts dispensers were delivered to the station commander, LCDR. Alli Eberdeen, and placed by the station's arrival area, near the front entrance to the main building. "We come bearing gifts, and we are not Greek!"
Good weather, just a little turbulence before landing, a cordial welcome and pleasant visit, as Oryx always provides, and the AK-901 was ready to take off for the second leg of the run. As expected, the short runway was just about right for the E/D-120 and the reversed thrust on touchdown managed to avoid the rotors parked by the strip. Take off was not a problem.

LCDR. Eberdeen welcoming the "Flying Reindeer" at N.R.S.O. and the gift dispensers in position.

Facing severe weather half way to N.S.T.C. Nautilus, the crew was forced to recover at the airport of destination, Southern Cross, where fixed wings visiting the Training Center can land and take off. Due to the nature of the day, we found no CO's present and had to postpone the placement of the dispensers that need to be set to 3rd Fleet group to operate. Auto return has been known to send stuff back so better safe than sorry! After a quick check, the AK-901 was ready for the long third leg to Avignon.

At Southern Cross, by NSTC. In the E/D-120, LT. Kaz and ENS. O'Mara watch "A Charlie Brown Christmas".

The flight to N.A.F. Avignon, Satori, was smooth at 500 meters ASL, and weather permitted an uneventful trip. As N.A.F.A. also had no CO's present the crew made a short stop to refuel and secure the AK-901. The next leg would be out of her reach. N.B.N.V., in Cumberland.

 Arriving at North Valley. The Christmas detail salutes N.B.N.V. CO, LCDR. Harcassle. Mission accomplished.
At Naval Base North Valley, Cumberland, we were greeted by the local CO, LCDR. Daniella Harcassle, CWO Natalia Arevelo and Mr. Mac Gaelyth. The place seems to have extreme weather as well and snow was way above 6 inches! A problem Tuarua Fiji does not know, but a few miss during this season. Warm reception by the local officers and a lovely visit that we will repeat soon in an attire that fits both aircraft cockpits and Navy regulations better. The dispensers were placed on a strategic location right past the main gate and all got their gifts. Big smiles on, the crew clicked their Navy issued boot heels three times and poofed to Miramar.

There's no place like home, but it's not Kansas to us. The crew on the last stop with the dispensers placed at Miramar.

The Christmas Run is meant to be the first of many to come in future years and from Miramar we extend to all 3rd Fleet members, their families and friends sincere wishes of a bright and merry Christmas. It is our privilege to serve in this Fleet and this Navy. Hooyah.

CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron

Thursday, December 22, 2016

VF-84's Last Patrol of 2016

Skull and Bones AJ-201 and AJ-202 in the Coconut Pipe, Tuarua Fiji, December 22.

December 22, 2016, Skull & Bones AJ-201 and AJ-202 went out for a last patrol in 2016. CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron, sqdrn. leader, and LCDR. Skarah "Hit Girl" Zane, sqdrn. XO, flew a Tuarua Fiji air space patrol to TFIA and back. LCDR. An "Mistell" Rainbow flew as RIO on the 201 with her Nikon remote camera.

This is the radio transcript from the mission, broadcasted on Tuner A to hail 3rd fleet on this last patrol of 2016. Happy Holidays!

AJ-201, BuNo 16021GA and AJ-202, BuNo 16023GA ready flight at NASM, 12/22/16

[2016/12/22 09:10] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Cougar 201 and Hit Girl 202 TO NASM Tuarua Fiji airspace patrol TFIA and back.
[2016/12/22 09:12] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: 201 rolling to 36 L, 202 take 36 R
[2016/12/22 09:12] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Mark
[2016/12/22 09:12] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): copy that
[2016/12/22 09:13] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): 202 static on 36 R
[2016/12/22 09:14] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: copy 201 static brakes on throttle up 65% - 45% cruise after TO climb to angels 100 on starboard break to Ascalapha, confirm.
[2016/12/22 09:15] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): copy
[2016/12/22 09:16] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Cougar on the run

AJ-201 and AJ-202 over the Aldabra Sea, 12/22/16 (remote photo LCDR An "Mistell" Rainbow)

[2016/12/22 09:18] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Cougar in the pipe one eight zero 5 by 5
[2016/12/22 09:19] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): copy, 202 is with you
[2016/12/22 09:19] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Roger that 202

[2016/12/22 09:20] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: 201 off the pipe turning to landing pattern
[2016/12/22 09:21] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: 201 breaking to Port
[2016/12/22 09:22] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): 202 break
[2016/12/22 09:23] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Cougar has the ball
[2016/12/22 09:23] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): comm check
[2016/12/22 09:23] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Copy 202
[2016/12/22 09:24] :: SLFI Runway 09: Private IM: Landing score for X4Ten Resident: 95.25, piloting a: F-14A Tomcat V1.0.1
[2016/12/22 09:24] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): on hold Chalands Isle
[2016/12/22 09:24] :: {NASM} Ltcdr An "Mistell" Rainbow (Anan Ariantho): 202 Land
[2016/12/22 09:25] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): 202 break and land TFIA

AJ-201 and AJ-202 on the tarmac at Tuarua Fiji International, 12/22/16

[2016/12/22 09:26] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Cougar paws dry at TFIA
[2016/12/22 09:27] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): 202 taxi to parking
[2016/12/22 09:27] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: copy that 202
[2016/12/22 09:27] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: 201 static on the tarmac

[2016/12/22 09:28] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: ready to go home 202?
[2016/12/22 09:29] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): 202 is ready in a sec
[2016/12/22 09:29] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: copy that 202
[2016/12/22 09:30] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): good to go
[2016/12/22 09:31] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Copy that looks like you may have a RIO on the way back - hold one
[2016/12/22 09:31] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): nice picture Mistell, thank you!
[2016/12/22 09:31] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: No go on your RIO, Hit Girl. Closing canopy.
[2016/12/22 09:32] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): copy
[2016/12/22 09:34] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Cougar 201 rolling TO TFIA Tuarua Fiji airspace patrol to NASM, 202 echelon right on runway 27 to take off.
[2016/12/22 09:34] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): copy

[2016/12/22 09:35] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): 202 in position
[2016/12/22 09:36] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: copy that 202 brakes on throttle up to 65, 45 after TO break long starboard towards the Pipe, climbing to angels 100.
[2016/12/22 09:36] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: confirm.
[2016/12/22 09:37] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): roger
[2016/12/22 09:37] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Cougar on the run.

AJ-202 and AJ-201 in the Coconut Pipe homeward bound, 12/22/16

[2016/12/22 09:39] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: 201 recovering
[2016/12/22 09:39] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Cougar in the Pipe heading three six zero 5 by 5
[2016/12/22 09:40] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: speed 45 steady angels 88 AGL 108 ASL
[2016/12/22 09:41] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): copy, hit girl is following, port side
[2016/12/22 09:41] :: ((Missions)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: take my starboard wing Hit Girl
[2016/12/22 09:41] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): roger
[2016/12/22 09:41] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): 202 in position
[2016/12/22 09:42] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Copy 202
[2016/12/22 09:43] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: heading 2-7-0 angels 86 AGL 106 ASL
[2016/12/22 09:43] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): copy 202 wit you
[2016/12/22 09:44] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: 201 breaking high to starboard and entering landing pattern North to South NASM bound
[2016/12/22 09:44] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Break 201
[2016/12/22 09:44] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): copy

[2016/12/22 09:46] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Cougar has the ball
[2016/12/22 09:46] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): copy 202 on hold
[2016/12/22 09:46] LandMaster Landing Analyzer: Landing score for X4Ten Resident: 84.21, piloting a: F-14A Tomcat V1.0.1
[2016/12/22 09:48] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Cougar static hangar C
[2016/12/22 09:48] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): 202 break and land 18L
[2016/12/22 09:48] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: Copy that 202

[2016/12/22 09:49] :: {NASM} ENS Yand "Monty" Tracer - NAFA (YandTracer ): NAFA Twr, Nomad 16 ready for takeoff, departure to the North

[2016/12/22 09:49] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: 201 engine shut down
[2016/12/22 09:50] LandMaster Landing Analyzer: Landing score for Skarah Zane: 90.69, piloting a: F-14A Tomcat V1.0.1
[2016/12/22 09:51] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: welcome home 202
[2016/12/22 09:51] :: {NASM} LCDR Skarah "hit girl" Zane (Skarah Zane): thank you Cougar

AJ-201 in hangar C and AJ-202 on taxi, back at Miramar, 12/22/16

[2016/12/22 09:52] :: ((NASM)) CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - NASMCO: VF-84 flight to USN 3rd Fleet the skulls and bones wish you Happy Holidays. Cougar and Hit Girl out.

CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron, LCDR. An "Mistell" Rainbow
LCDR. Skarah "hit Girl" Zane

VF-84, CVN68
N.A.S. Miramar

Happy Holidays!

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all USNSL members, their families and friends are the best wishes of the Navy Flight Demonstration Team, Blue Angels.

Blue Angels 2016 team composition - December 2016 formation.

Angel One - CDR Vickster "Speed" Kuhn - Team Leader
Angel 2 - CDRE Trans "Fire" Sands - Left Wing
Angel 3 - LT Jenny "QB" Kaz - Right Wing / Left Wing Alternate
Angel 4 - LTJG Chardy "Hinch" Oak - Slot
Angel 5 - LT Johnny "V" Five - Lead Solo
Angel 6 - LCDR Elspeth "Torch" Westminster - Opposing Solo
Angel 7 - CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron - Narrator / Opposing Solo and Slot Alternate
Angel 8 - LCDR An "Mistell" Rainbow - Events Coordinator, GOC / Right Wing Alternate

Enjoy the Holidays!

CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron
NASMCO, Angel 7

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Homecoming Air Show

Click for details! Updated 01/07/2017

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Christmas Detail - Part One

A Miramar Xmas detail presents AW-139 D BuNo 16059 of HSC-21 Blackjacks to RADM I. Harcassle at NSTC, Dec. 16.

RADM Isaac Harcassle ordered three new AW-139 D helicopters for HSC-21, the Blackjacks, to be stationed at NAF Avignon. The order was processed by NAS Miramar and the aircraft were registered there under BuNos 16059, 16060 and 16061. The 059 in the photo was presented as the flagship to RADM Harcassle on December 16, at NSTC Velinissimo, flown from Miramar by a "Xmas Detail" made of CDR Asra "Cougar" Kron and LTJG Chardy "Hinch" Oak, in full Season's Greetings gear!

The other two Zero Zero helicopters display a Navy Gray livery (BuNo 16060) and a Navy Ghost livery (BuNo 16061) also "2 stars" aircraft assigned to the RADM personally and as such with the distinctive unique "Jacktail" as the two tone flagship.

BuNo's 16060 and 16061 ready for delivery at Miramar, Dec. 17.

 More on Miramar "Xmas Details" to follow. Stay tuned for more. And Happy Holidays!

CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron


RADM Harcassle with LCDR Dehner presenting the certificates of promotion to the awardees at NSTC.

This December 11th, promotions were awarded to several commissioned officers and enlisted personnel with USNSL Third Fleet. The ceremony took place at Naval Service Training Command at Velinissimo, RADM Isaac Harcassle presiding.

The awards later given at NAS Miramar to the two officers unable to attend.
Three Miramar officers were recognized and promoted for their outstanding service: ENS Chardy Oak, promoted to LTJG (O-2), LT's An Rainbow and Skarah Zane, both promoted to LCDR (O-4). I accepted the award for two of them who were unable to attend the ceremony and later awarded the certificates and insignia in the Main Hall at NAS Miramar for RADM Harcassle, in a smaller but meaningful event.

Congratulations to all on a job well done.

CDR. Asra "Cougar" Kron